Filter Papers

Applicable to V1 and V2

Flat Papers (for conical profile)

UFO was designed for use with Sibarist Fast flat and B3 papers, although this template can be used to fold any flat filter. Simply fold once in half, then fold to match the angle below (feel free to take a screenshot and print this diagram). 

To properly set folded flat filters, open the center of your folded filter and place in the brewer. Wet the filter, then use the Disputer tool to press the filter to the brewer wall. The Disputer is available as a free file download for printing at home, but if you'd like to buy a printed model we recommend our friend FDMbyOptikalBlitz on Etsy. 


Wave Papers (for flat-bottom profile)

For increased sweetness and body, you can use Kalita 155 or other wave filters. Note you will likely need to grind coarser to achieve similar brew times and extraction yields.