Base Recipe

Base Recipe:

Grind size: Finer end of medium, finer than your typical V60 grind size.

Ratio: 15:250g, or 1:16.67, up-dose to 16g to either reduce extraction or increase body.

Water temp: 92ºC



1st pour: 50g circle, sub 7g/sec

2nd pour: 50g circle, sub 7g/sec

3rd pour: 50g circle, sub 7g/sec

4th pour: 100g, 16+g/sec, divided into two structures as detailed below:

  • First 50g of final pour: circle pour, to lift up fines from the edges of the dripper wall
  • Second 50g of final pour: center pour, to keep the fines suspended on top of the bed in order to decrease the fines contact time with water, thus preventing over extraction of those fines and clogging.



00:00 - 01:00

  • 1st pour: 50g, sub 7g/sec: LOW SPOUT HEIGHT/LOW FLOW
    • Pour as close to the coffee bed as possible. The goal is to be able to control the coffee bed structure. With a higher spout height and higher flow rate, we are effectively churning the coffee bed and thus moving the fines around in the bed. We want to be able to keep the fines under control, and this low spout height + low flow combination allows us to grind fine and not have any stalls.
    • WHY full minute bloom?
      • This recipe calls for a very slow flow rate, and thus the time it takes for us to pour the initial 50g also takes significantly longer. We want to let the coffee grounds become fully saturated post pour and post swirl, and so it needs the full minute to go through that stage.
  • Once finished pouring, swirl
    • We swirl to make sure all grounds are fully saturated. A byproduct of the swirl is fines migration towards the bottom which is considered to be “bad” according to some brewing professionals, but personally from my experiments, this fines migration and distribution in the coffee bed allows us to have a higher TDS alongside enhanced complexity in the cup.
    • Later in the brew structure is when we will control the fines.

01:00 - 01:30

  • 2nd pour: 50g, sub 7g/sec: LOW SPOUT HEIGHT/LOW FLOW
    • Same exact pour as the 1st pour.
    • At the 01:30 mark, most, if not all the 50g you poured in should have drained through.

01:30 - 02:00

  • 3rd pour: 50g, sub 7g/sec: LOW SPOUT HEIGHT/LOW FLOW
    • Same exact pour as the 1st pour.
    • At the 02:00 mark, most, if not all the 50g you poured in should have drained through.
    • At this 3rd pour, it is likely that the flow rate in the bed will have decreased a bit and there will be slightly more water left in the bed than the 2nd pour. This is due to fines migration to the bottom. Don’t worry, it’s fine.

02:00 - 03:00~03:30

  • 4th pour: 100g, 16+g/sec, divided into two structures: HIGH SPOUT HEIGHT/HIGH FLOW
    • THIS is where we control the fines and create balance in the cup. With this recipe, the first three pulses pull out most flavors we want out of the coffee, and this last pulse creates balance. We will be pouring very fast to effectively create “bypass” and also to control the fines.
    • First 50g: circle pour, to lift up fines from the edges of the dripper wall
    • Second 50g: center pour, to keep the fines suspended on top of the bed in order to decrease the fines contact time with water, thus preventing over extraction of those fines and clogging.